Violence and abuse can take many forms. On this page we have listed some of the more common examples.
Physical Violence:
- Pushing and shoving
- Slapping and biting
- Kicking and choking
- Hitting and punching
- Imprisonment
- Using weapons
- Throwing objects
- Murder
Sexual Abuse:
- Being forced to have sex with others
- Being forced to commit acts you do not want to
- Not being allowed to say “no” – rape
- Insisting on unwanted or uncomfortable touching
- Being forced to watch pornography
Emotional/Psychological Abuse:
- Ignoring your feelings
- Ridiculing and insulting you in front of others
- Humiliating you in front of friends and relatives
- Withholding approval or affection as punishment
- Hurting pets to upset you
- Telling you what to do and when you can do it
- Stalking
- Playing mind games
- Scaring you
Verbal Abuse:
- Making threats to hurt you
- Continually threatening to leave
- Threatening to commit suicide if you leave
- Name calling
- Threatening to kill you
- Verbal put downs
- Saying that they plan to hurt the children
Financial Abuse:
- Not giving you enough money to survive without problems
- Making you ask/beg for money
- Not letting you have access to family income
- Preventing you getting/keeping a job
- Taking your money
- Unreasonable & non-negotiable demands
- Controlling partner’s access to information and services
- Restricting daily activities
- Destroying the partner’s other relationships & isolating her/him from friends, family members, co-workers & others
- Excuses, rationalisations and blame